It’s weird. I love bags and I’ll be the first to admit that I have an unhealthy obsession. But my ratio of shoulder bags to clutches is oddly disproportionate. I only ever come to this conclusion when I’m dressed to impressed, on my way out and stressed beyond belief because I can’t find a clutch to match my outfit for the evening. I always promise myself that asap I’ll invest in more clutch bags but I always end up falling head over heels for yet another shoulder bag or a tote. This weekend was the last straw. So as soon as I got over my hangover I set about hunting first and foremost for a classic clutch whilst I build up my collection. I didn’t have to look too far. I fell in love almost immediately with this metallic clutch by Botkier. I’m still not over metallics and I adore the detail. It’s on sale, which makes it even more adorable. So, it’s settled. I’m pumping new life into my shameful collection of clutch bags with this beauty and I’m on the hunt for more! I’ll keep you posted. £270 £135 available at

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