Who knew that ‘happiness’ was but a click of a button away, or that it only cost £54…well, maybe a little more if you want ‘happiness’ in all available colours!! I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I had not witnessed the squeals of joy first hand as my flatmate finally managed to secure her purchase of the Darimeya, floral jersey tunic dress from asos.com, in both black and blue!


As shown here on Kate Moss herself (in brown), this spectacular design, available in both short sleeve and jersey style, can be worn with pretty much anything. But if you want to get your hands on at least one of these dresses then you need to act fast and be prepared to go to all lengths necessary. Asos.com sold out in only minutes of displaying the Darimeya number, as have Topshop, so GOOD LUCK and GOD SPEED!

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