I do love to support anything positive involving fashion especially if it involves friends, that’s why I just had to share this with you guys. If like me you love magazines and you’re always on the lookout for a new mag with a fresh take on fashion then check out B612 , an independent publication focused on fashion’s relationship with society. The concept of B612 was developed by fashion editor Maaike Holvast and became a reality with the help of freelance journalist and friend of the site Kirstin Hanssen.

I’ve just finished getting through the first issue titled “Lovely Creatures , which takes a look at animals in fashion and I loved it. It has an authentic feel that is rare to find in magazines these days and is so special that it can’t be anything but a collector’s item. Published just twice a year B612 can be found in Dutch bookstores and fashion shops, Colette in Paris, Look Boutique in San Francisco and via their MySpace. For more info check out www.myspace.com/b612mag

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