Whomever coined the above phrase was seriously deluded. Granted, the frame choices of yore lacked much of the style that today’s glasses do, but eyeglasses can be seriously sexy. Gucci, Valentino, and now Marc Jacobs all have eyeglass frames for everyday wear that are as much of a personal style choice as what you put on your feet or wear out to an important event.

My own glasses are from Valentino; they have a subtle tiger-print pattern in a cat-eye shape, with three tiny topaz gemstones located on the top part of the frame on the outer edge of each of the lenses (they’re not visible when viewed from the front). I also love these tortoiseshell frames from Marc Jacobs as a statement-style, but not too flashy, option.

Alternately, for something a bit mod and sleeker, try these stainless Chanel frames with jeweled Chanel logo detailing on the side . These Armani frames in a clear violet are also gorgeous and really pop, but aren’t so trendy that you’ll be in search of new frames next season .

Chances are your local eyeglass shop will have an in-house expert who can recommend a frame shape and colour that will enhance your best features. So retire your contacts and put on your glasses…they are yet another way to express your own personal style.

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