
Oh horror of horrors! Sorry to break the terrible news, ladies, but crimped hair appears to be back. I could have predicted this, really, as any truly terrible trends from my teenage years tend to crop up every so often in all their 90s glory, but I had hoped that the line would be drawn at crinkle cut hair. But no, catwalks the world over have been trodden by armies of crimped beauties – never mind “The Wicker Man” references at Luella, it was the models’ hair that was truly scary.

It’s a great idea in theory, of course, and is easy to be seduced by the slightly folky, slightly backwards way that the models look when they are immaculately styled and, oh yeah, beautiful. Beauty editors can refer to the look as “texture” all they like, but in reality, if said texture echoes the nest of a garden bird then, frankly, I’d rather go without.

Tempting as it is to exploit the fact that my curly hair looks like it has been badly crimped most of the time, I think this may be one throw-back that is best left to the professionals.

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