Stuart Pilkington, Launch of the 'Touche Eclat For Men' by YSL at Selfridges London

From murses to man?girdles, manties to man leggings, the feminization of all things men is reaching fever pitch in the fashion world. Nothing, literally, is safe from being stripped of its gender exclusivity so it doesn’t surprise us in the least that Yves Saint Laurent has released Touche Éclat for Men or guyliner as it is being dubbed.

With all the hype over YSL’s newfound guyliner or “man?scara,” it begs the question: who is going to be the face of Touche Éclat for Men? YSL have tapped none other than Big Brother UK star, Stuart Pilkington and he’s already promoting—topless and guyliner clad—at Selfridges, where the Touche Éclat for Men will be exclusively sold for £22.50.

David Walker-Smith, the beauty director at Selfridges had this to add concerning the impetus behind Touche Éclat for Men:

Men are increasingly becoming more conscious of their appearance and have gone from stealing products from their wives and girlfriends to stocking up on their own…They see the benefit of beauty products enhancing their natural complexions and no longer consider them to decrease their male bravado.

Hear, hear…I guess?! We’re still on the fence…


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  1. is it.. i think some things are ultimately feminine, mascara being one of them. This is too much for me, leave it to fashion to bend the gender rules..The model is kinda hot though, ill have to start watching BB Uk now..

  2. I think this is only going to take of with a small group of people. The average guy is not going to wear eyeliner (“guyliner”?) for a long time.

  3. gay!

    (lol i agree with Chom 100%)

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