Like leggings, ra-ra skirts, cone bra tops and corsets before it, another style moment from the eighties is making itself felt again. Umm humm coloured mascara is back, with new bold colour lines being added to major make up brands collections. And I for one am a big fan. There’s blue, purple, green, maroon, even gold.

Chanel, Clarins, Prescriptives and Yves Saint Laurent have all got in on the act. But, as with open toe boots, just because big names are on board doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

Indeed, coloured mascara isn’t for the faint hearted and if you want to give it a go you need to know what works. Unfortunately, with this look, it’s exceptionally easy to end up looking like a teenager with too much pocket money and whose favourite shop is JJB. You know exactly what I mean, I’m just too PC to say it.

Tip 1. If you have a pale complexion avoid blue. It will emphasise your pallor in the most unflattering way and very possibly make you appear dead. I know goth is in, but that’s taking it too far. Instead choose a shade with a hint of warmth such as purple or maroon. Miracle make-up brand Benefit has recently launched a version of its fantastic BADgal mascara in plum ($19), which would be perfect. The super sized brush makes for the most humongous lashes you have ever seen. I promise.

Tip 2. If you have a deeper complexion or a tan then blues and gold, especially applied on just the tips of lashes will look great.

So go forth, be brave, experiment and remember with coloured mascara, less if definitely more.

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