If you got an email in your inbox saying that you were invited to an all expenses paid day trip to Paris, what would you think? Would you wonder if it was a con? That perhaps you were a victim of possible human trafficking? Or like me just take it at face value, and think “free trip to Paris… amazing!?

Well it turned out that this little break away was just that, and not some evil ploy to capture a gaggle of fashion bloggers. It was a day out for fashion writers and it really was a day to remember. Because I had jumped at the chance from the word go, I hadn’t even bothered to check who else was going, it could have been a group of 11 year olds on a school trip, but the words Paris and fashion were all I needed to hear.


Thankfully, it wasn’t a school trip, but was a day spent with some of the most promising fashion writers of our generation. The day started like any other day trip, up at the crack of dawn waiting for a delayed taxi and praying I’d get there on time. In a quick rush to the Eurostar, we all got there in one piece and piled on board.

You knew straight away that you were in the presence of fashionistas, it was a midst of Luella, cute playsuits, funky denim minis and sexy blazers. We were guided by the equally chic ‘We Are Social’ girls and quickly whisked off to fashion emporium Colette.


Colette is a beautiful store, and stylishly laid out. It has the very best visual merchandising, and the most gorgeous collections. But I have to say as a true Brit, Dover Street Market still has the edge for me.

The next hour was spent milling around the shops, soaking in the Parisian atmosphere and salivating at the sight of pastries. We all then regrouped for a well earned luncheon. But in true fashion form it was no ordinary lunch. As we tucked into our chic meals, we were treated to a presentation from up and coming designer Marion Cointot. Her designs were a beautiful combination of fabrics and cuts. Unusual yet simple shapes were complimented with lace panels and strips of contrasting colours. It’s always exciting to have a designer talk you through a collection, you get an incite that can’t really be appreciated during a catwalk show.


After our meal and champagne we marched our way down to Les Arts Decoratifs museum. Now this, for me was the ultimate highlight, and anyone reading I urge you to go to this exhibition. The exhibition in question was a retrospective of the work of Madame Madeleine Vionnet, the woman who shaped modern fashion. This was the most incredible exhibition, and the pieces were exquisite, this is a definite must see, and I shall be returning to see it again as well as everything this museum has to offer.


But from art to the sights, we legged it to the dock to board our champagne cruise. We did literally leg it, and watching worn out fashionistas run, is not a pretty sight. But we made it and hopped on board for a trip down the Seine whilst trying out a range of champagnes. I still think the highlight for most of us was having Johnny Depp’s house pointed out, and for a moment their was a united thought that perhaps together we could storm it. But we all managed to restrain ourselves and stay onboard the vessel.


It was a perfect time to chat to my fellow bloggers, and it was fascinating the different walks of life they came from. There was the established, the new, the photographer, the student, the schoolgirl, and when you think these girls (and boy) are changing the face of fashion as we know it, they are truly awe inspiring.


So as we shared intern stories, we had time for a quick ice cream before getting the Eurostar home, where the nattering continued.

I returned home, exhausted, but excited, excited that I had met a group of people I could relate to and that I now have even more things to read online!


So the message of this tale is as follows; Paris is as wonderful as ever, go to the Vionnet exhibition, love Dover Street Market, read every fashion blog in the world, because these girls are amazing. And if you’re inspired start your own blog then do, because who knows where it will take you…

My fellow fashion bloggers sites are:

Beauty & The Dirt
Mademoiselle Robot
Flying Saucer
Style Slicker
Inspire The Starling
Be Frassy
Fashion Daydreams
Vanessa Jackman
Disney Roller Girl
Young Shields

If you fancy your own little break then check out the deals on the Eurostar and check out the Little Break blog:

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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