Glastonbury may have come and gone, but there are still plenty of late-summer British festivals on the horizon – End of the Road in Dorset, Zoo Project in Northamptonshire and Reading and Leeds to name but a few. If you’re heading to any of these, chances are you’ll need to pick up some last-minute essentials before you go – so here’s a handy list of what not to forget:

You might have gotten away with not bringing a raincoat earlier in the season, but now we’re in late summer waterproofs are serious business. Just one waterproof coat and some wellies should be plenty – and if nothing else, it’s an excuse to get a pair of those fashion wellies you’ve had your eye on! If space is a premium, at least consider a poncho and some shoe covers instead.

Something warm
While you might be hoping for sunny days, there’s the nights to think about too – and even with a roll mat, the ground gets pretty chilly in a tent after dark. Pick up some comfy jumpers or hoodies – for an extra style injection, these hoodies from Original Penguin are just the ticket. Alternatively, get yourself a onesie to show everyone who the daddy is.

Camping stuff
Pop-up tents are ideal for festivals: cheap, easy to set up and sturdy enough to last at least a few trips. Don’t forget your sleeping bag and a roll mat – they make all the difference when you’re crashing back in your tent at 4am. And unless you fancy shelling out £6 a pop for a halloumi burger, it’s not a bad idea to bring a camping stove and a few tins of food.

Festival toilets are undeniably grim places. You can make things a bit better on yourself by bringing scented wet wipes (to hold over your nose when you go – no, we’re not joking) and your own loo roll and toothpaste, as it’s pretty unlikely you’ll find any there. Sun cream and insect repellent can also be worth their weight in gold.

This can be a tricky one, as you don’t want to bring too much cash, but you also don’t want to pay the ridiculous surcharges at festival ATMs. It’s best to bring a bit more than you think you need, and keep it somewhere very safe – you could try the old trick of rolling it up in an empty sun cream bottle to fool any potential thieves.

Finally – don’t forget your ticket!

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