get fitAfter spending the entirety of summer in the gym making sure that “bikini body” doesn’t slip, we enter a period of extreme hibernation (in the fridge) during winter. Colder climes, darker evenings and post-Christmas blues can fast become toxic for those seeking to keep the bulge at bay.

But, instead of finding the answers to our wellbeing in a bowl of kale salad, isn’t it time we saw the bigger picture –  the one that suggests getting fit isn’t a quick fix, but a way of life; not a sneaky, thrice weekly gym session, but a constantly evolving process of strength-building?

An article recently published by The Daily Beast once again reaffirmed the notion that appearing thin rather than actually being fit and strong seems to have a permanent hold over us. Breaking down the horrific details of the “corset diet” – a lazy (and dangerous) means to getting a minuscule waist by spending all day in a tightly pulled corset – would have some quivering with Victorian-era fear.

But, with  A-listers like Jessica Alba backing a nonsense gig like this, (she spent three months in a corset after giving birth) it is hardly surprising the trend has gained traction.

Sites such as promote this seemingly unhealthy weight loss method, claming that it has been “approved by doctors and dieticians,” yet medical evidence suggests otherwise. But corsets aren’t our only worry. Juice cleanses, complex detox programs and slimming pills are also to blame. These methods almost liken weight loss to rehab. If we want to look and feel our best, how is it possible to do so if our attention is wholly focused on obtaining a prescribed idea of appearance? Defeats the purpose, non?

The rich and famous follow specific dietary and workout plans to achieve bodies suited to their respective fields, but leave J-Lo, Gisele or Cara Delevingne to follow a normal routine of fitness and healthy eating, and their “real” bodies would begin to emerge.

In a time where Kim Kardashian’s pencil skirt-clad curves are put on a pedestal, and Kate Winslet berating post-birth weight loss is celebrated, why are we so consumed with looking like a shadow of ourselves? How about a deep breath and a pre-5K run biscuit?

What are your thoughts on the war against weight loss? Do you support the “fit” or “thin” camp? Let us know your thoughts below!


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