miley cyrus marc jacobs ad

We showed you the debut dark and brooding images of Miley Cyrus’s ad campaign for Marc Jacobs’ spring/summer 2014 collection back in January, but the newly released images show the 21-year-old in a whole new light. And we love it!

Miley’s make-up is minimal, her styling is understated, her flesh is covered, and there isn’t a single wagging tongue in sight. Marc Jacobs and photographer David Sims should pat themselves on the back for this epic transformation!

“We wanted this beach with the girls kind of sulky and broody, and we thought it would be cool if it was Miley with what could be two friends, feeling distant and quite dark,” Marc Jacobs said.

miley marc jacobs 1

“We all just love her and her entire being, her talent, her intelligence, everything,” he said. “There’s nothing I don’t like about her. She is just genuine and very natural.”

Whether Miley sticks to this new wardrobe and styling is a different matter, but in the meantime, let’s appreciate the ad campaign images in all their glory while we can.

[E! Online] 

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