
In the pursuit of beauty, people are often prepared to go to extreme lengths to look gorgeous. Doing something drastic doesn’t mean having to spend lots of money on expensive treatments or letting a surgeon cut you up, however. In fact, these five beauty tips cost next to nothing and aren’t invasive at all – but they are a bit weird. Would you give them a try?

No Poo Haircare
Daily shampooing is so natural for many of us that we take it for granted. But a growing number of people are thinking twice before reaching for the shampoo bottle, claiming that the chemicals used in shampoo is actually bad for your hair. Giving up store bought shampoo and conditioner is known as the ‘no poo method’.

Instead of Herbal Essences or L’Oreal, No Poo advocates wash their hair using a homemade shampoo replacement made of water and baking soda. This is followed up by an apple cider vinegar conditioner substitute. Fans of No Poo claim it leaves their hair softer, bouncier and fuller.

If you’re thinking of giving it a go yourself beware: as your hair adjusts to the change you might find it is excessively greasy!

Milk bath
Everyone knows that drinking milk is good for your body – all that calcium is great for strengthening your teeth and bones. But did you know that bathing in milk also has its benefits? The lactic acid found in milk can soften your skin, so why not add a cup or so the next time you have a relaxing bath? Just remember to rinse off afterwards unless you want the faint smell of milk lingering on your body.

Olive Oil Acne Treatment
The spotty teenager is a well-known stereotype, but that’s of no comfort to the millions of teenagers (and adults) who suffer from it. The problem is so widespread that if you go into any pharmacy or beauty store you’ll see shelves of products dedicated to fighting acne. While many people are lucky enough to find a skin treatment that works for them, there are plenty of others that go from one product to the next feeling less hopeful each time.

If Dermalogica and other brands aren’t helping to clear your skin could olive oil be the answer? It might sound counterproductive to apply oil to already oily skin, but olive oil contains a number of properties that make it ideal for tackling acne. For a start, extra virgin olive oil contains polyphenol, a potent antioxidant that helps keep the skin moist allowing the acne to heal faster. Extra virgin olive oil is also antibacterial and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Set your makeup with hairspray
Hairspray: the clue is in the name – you spray it on your hair. But hairspray doesn’t just keep your hair in place – it can also help set your makeup. We don’t recommend this, but if you’re going to try this at home make sure you hold the hairspray as far away from your face as possible (or preferably get a friend to do it), as you only need a light mist for it to be effective and whatever you do, don’t light up for a cigarette immediately after using it.

With specifically designed makeup-setting sprays like Lise Watier Magnifix available, however, it’s probably best not to bother risking irritating your face by using something meant to be used on your hair.

Eye wrinkles and haemorrhoid cream
If you don’t have a tube of haemorrhoid cream lying around, lucky you! But even if you don’t need it for its intended use, you might still want to put it in your shopping basket the next time you’re out. That’s because the ingredient that makes it so effective at shrinking haemorrhoids (phenylephrine HCL) can also tighten skin. If you’re going to try this method it’s essential you do your research, however, as the skin around your eyes is very sensitive and you could end up doing more harm than good!

If you want something less risky why not check out the free competitions site MyOffers. Prizes including cash and vouchers to spend at fashion retailers are up for grabs at

[Images: 1, 2 & 3]

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