“I absolutely think that dressing well is an expression of manners.” Do you know which fashion designer came out with that powerful and memorable quote? Why that was none other than Texas born designer Tom Ford.

If you didn’t know who those wise words came from though, don’t despair, as thanks to Farfetch the A-Z of fashion is here to help you. So if you swat up, you’ll never be caught unawares again. Success!

Other such gems that feature on the infographic that we live our lives by include “don’t worry about what’s cool and what’s not cool. That’s not what great style is about” courtesy of Zac Posen (and there’s no denying that he knows style when he sees it – as more often than not he is the one who is creating it!) and of course “the investigation of ugliness is, to me, more interesting than the bourgeois idea of beauty” by Miuccia Prada.

All you have to do is scroll down to read more inspirational and memorable quotes – try and see how many you can recite at the next big dinner party you go to. We guarantee that the guests will be impressed with your high flying fashion knowledge!



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