Have you ever heard about a notion of chakra? A chakra is an energy center in your body. Overall, there are seven different chakras, responsible for seven different locations and emotional specters, associated with seven different colors. The notion of chakra is widely used in yoga practices. When working with yoga chakras you divide a workout into several parts, visualizing and focusing on one energy hub at a time. For example, you can practise seven days in a row, devoting each of them to a certain part of your body.

So if you want to feel more balanced, or you want to spice up your workout in a new way, you can add these practices as well. But firstly, you have to know the names of the chakras and what exactly each of them is responsible for.

The Colors and Meanings of Chakras

In general, chakra is a very interesting topic, as it is one of the central ideas in the whole yoga practice. And yoga practice is actually based on it. So, if you want to become an advanced yogi, or you want to know more than a few asanas, start from learning about chakras.

Here are the names and the meanings of all seven chakras in the body.

  • Muladhara. The first and the most grounded energy hub is represented by red color. It is also called a root chakra. It’s located at the base of the spine and responsible for survival and grounding. This is the first and the most important energy center in the body.
  • Svadhisthana. The second energy portal is represented by orange and responsible for creativity and sexuality. It is a highly focused area of sexual energy. Svadhisthana is also the location of our emotions. The second name of it is sacral chakra.
  • Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra. It is represented by yellow. Manipura is about how we present ourselves to the world. It is about how we interact with others. Our self is here.
  • Anahata. It is a green energy portal called a heart energy hub. This place is about feelings and emotions in our heart – love, sympathy, sadness, etc. The element of it is air. In fact, the quality of your breath (how deep it is) can give you the insight to the condition of your heart chakra.
  • Vishuddha or Throat Chakra is represented by blue. It’s all about communication and voicing yourself. Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat.
  • Ajna. It is an energy hub of awareness and sense of your purpose along with a direction in life. It has an indigo hue and is located right between the eyebrows.
  • Sahasrara. This is the place of knowing who you are, awareness, letting go, understanding, enlightenment, etc. It is located at the top of a head and has a purple color. Sahasrara is responsible for the connection with God and Universe.


Having all energy portals balanced is very important for the whole body. If you feel that some of them are weak, it can be easily improved by regular meditations.

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