If you’re working as a beauty therapist and you’re uninsured, you’re taking on a massive risk (and an unnecessary one as well). In case one of your clients sustains bodily harm or your place gets damaged during the process, the costs could easily reach mind-numbing heights. With beauty insurance providers only charging as little as $100 per year in certain cases, not getting insured could spell dire news for your financial wellbeing, and trying to save money in this area could end up costing you more than it’s worth.

In other words, getting insured is pretty much a must. To help you on your way, we’ve prepared a short guide that will help you pick the most suitable beauty insurance provider for your needs:

Everything should be laid out in understandable and clear terms

When choosing a beauty insurance provider, if the contract terms are not laid out properly (as in a clear and easy-to-understand manner), this is potentially a reason for concern. Moreover, the policy should list all the services covered and be custom tailored to the specifics of your business.

For example, if you offer treatments such as hair removal or red vein treatments, some policies may require you to pay additional premiums. Therefore, one of the most important takeaways is to never assume anything; study the policy and what it covers instead.

Check the provider’s customer reviews and ratings

While every beauty insurance provider can say positive things about oneself and listing them on the company’s website, what other people are saying on customer review portals is much more relevant since it’s not as easy to spin and cherry-pick the customer testimonials. Putting it another way, the information you can find on the insurance provider’s website is still useful in many ways, but you sort of need to treat it with a grain of salt.

Certain things like prices, FAQs, customer support, etc. may be of tremendous use, while client testimonials, for example, are best looked up elsewhere (unless they’re directly imported from Facebook or something similar).

Don’t forget about insuring your employees

Your employees need to be insured as well, so covering this option is an essential component of selecting the best beauty insurance provider. With this aspect of your business covered, if one of your employees gets injured while working, they will be covered. In essence, workers’ compensation insurance not only covers their wages while they’re absent, but their medical expenses as well.

Of course, in order for your employees to be able to take advantage of this, they must give away their right to suing you if an accident happens.

In the end, too many business owners make the mistake of protecting themselves against legal action from their clients, while forgetting an important fact that the employees can sue them as well. But you’re smart enough not to repeat their mistakes. The better the terms an insurer can give, the more confident you can be.

While there are other factors to consider when on the lookout for the best beauty insurance providers, these three points are a good start. As a final nugget of wisdom, prior to signing the contract, check what people are saying about that particular company on social media. That way, you’ll be able to tell ahead of time if there are any signs of trouble you should be wary of.

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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