Does this sound familiar? There is a beautiful girl you love and truly cherish. As a confident and handsome guy, you walked to her and told her your intentions. Interestingly, she saw you as attractive and wanted to be with you too. After a few days of conversations on the phone, you guys agreed to meet at a lovely restaurant for your first date. 

But here comes the problem. It is your first time going out with a lady, and you are a bit nervous. You don’t know what to say, what to discuss with her, and how she will react to being at the same table with you. If you can relate, it is okay to be nervous since it is your first date. However, don’t worry because this article contains things you shouldn’t do or say on your first date as a guy. Read and observe all the tips below for a mindblowing date:

Don’t Be Rude to Her or Anyone

You are a gentleman, be that gentleman that you are on your first date, and don’t ruin your first date like other guys. Don’t sound or appear rude to anyone on your first date. Respect your date, waiters, waitresses, Uber driver, or restaurant management. Respectfully ask the lady what she wants, place your order, and patiently wait for the staff to provide them.

Avoid Asking Too Many Questions 

As much as the first date encourages better intimacy, it isn’t a question-and-answer session or mini-interview. Don’t ask the pretty lady too many questions. She will tell you everything she thinks you should know at the time. Does it mean you shouldn’t ask any questions at all? No, some back questions to ask a girl on a first date include the following:

  • Can I meet you? 
  • Where is your best place on earth? 
  • What makes you special and unique? 
  • What special event would you like to share? 
  • Who are the most important people in your life? 

Ensure your first date is a memorable interactive time. Have fun, enjoy yourselves, crack jokes, and make her happy and comfortable around you.

Don’t Make it an ‘about me’ Session

Many men do this when trying to impress their lady on the first date without knowing it. As much as you intend to tell her convincing facts about you, listen to her opinions too. 

Women love men who give them maximum attention on their first date. They love it when their potential future partner listens to them and cherishes them.

Don’t Propose on Your First Date 

Have you ever wondered why some ladies reject their men’s open marriage proposal? That’s because some were on the first date.

How do you expect a lady to accept your marriage proposal without any form of courtship? That’s almost impossible if the lady truly loves you and wants a bright future with you.

Don’t make such an irrational mistake that could cause damage and unforgettable embarrassment.

Instead, have a nice time on your first date. Save the money you want to spend on the proposal ring till you are sure she’s ready to go on a life journey with you. 

Avoid Speaking About Your Ex-girlfriend 

Try not to talk about your ex-girlfriend if possible. She’s in the past. Focus on the lady sitting next to you. Your attention should be on her and the future. 

What if she talks about your ex-girlfriend? Then, open up to her. 

There’s nothing wrong in telling your lady about your past relationships on the first date if she is keenly interested. 

Don’t dodge the question if she asks; tell her the truth, but don’t dwell on the topic for too long. 

Don’t Judge Her Meal, Fashion Sense, And Chosen Career 

Don’t judge the lady’s fashion sense, meals, and career on your first date if you want to keep her. 

Don’t condemn her efforts, choices, and decisions. Appreciate her for showing up, even if her outfits don’t suit your taste. 

You will always have the next time to comment on her dress, meals, and other things. 

Sex Talk is Off Limit 

Sex talk isn’t good on the first date. Don’t start a sex conversation with the lady you take out for the first time. 

Discuss meals, school or academics, family, and life in general. Avoid sexual talk that could make the lady think otherwise about you. 

Similarly, avoid using the ‘F’ words, and don’t swear. These little things could affect a lady’s interest in a man. 

Avoid Staring at Your Phone All Day 

You will have a forgettable first date if you stare at your phone throughout the day. Similarly, it’s a massive crime to focus on the movie on the screen when your date is sharing crucial information about her. 

You are sending the wrong signal if you pay more attention to your phone or TV than your date.

Avoid Late Arrival 

Late arrival to your first date venue is unacceptable and a significant red flag to many ladies. 

It leaves massive doubt about your credibility, punctuality, and reliability. It also means you don’t value the girl’s time and personality for keeping her waiting for some minutes. 

Ensure you get to the chosen venue some minutes before the stipulated time. No doubt, there could be a genuine reason for coming late. However, ten-minute lateness is considerable, but anything longer is inexcusable. 

Don’t Let Her Pay The Bills 

Hey gentleman, your date shouldn’t settle the bill after all the enjoyment and fun-filled experience. 

Pay the bills and order a ride to take her back to her destination if you can. It’s okay if you don’t have such an amount to spend, but ensure you pay a reasonable part of her bills after settling yours. 

She will eventually see you as a capable and caring man who can take care of the family in the future. 

Avoid Staying Quiet Throughout 

Staying quiet throughout the day will make your first date memorable for the wrong reasons. 

No lady will ever forget a first date where she talked so much about herself, only for her guy to give “yeah, really, oh!” responses. 

Don’t Dress Awkwardly 

Appearance matters so much on the first date. Dress nicely and make sure you look attractive and gorgeous. 

Don’t look like someone in a hurry to catch a school bus. Instead, wear your best outfit and capture the lady’s heart. 

Linen shirts, polo shirts, and Oxford Cloth Button Down (OCBD) shirts are good first-date shirts for guys. The shirts go well with Chinos. You can also try out jeans and polo shirts. 

Don’t forget to use your majestic deodorant to avoid a foul smell that could ruin your day. 

Avoid Kissing Her 

You might be tempted to kiss her after many laughs, gist, and interactions, but that isn’t cool on a first date.

Kissing a girl on a first date sounds awkward and somewhat irresponsible, especially if the lady isn’t ready for such an experience.

Again, keep things slow. You can try it on your second or third date. You must have enjoyed more intimacy by then. 

Avoid Being Drunk 

Drink responsibly while having a good time with your lady on a first date. Similarly, prevent the woman from being drunk so you’re not tempted to try some stupid things that could ruin your chance with her.  

Don’t Lecture Her Unnecessarily 

As much as you would love to let her know how intelligent you are, don’t try to lecture her about her life. 

Save your lecture for another time while you enjoy the day. However, you can advise her if and when necessary. 

To wrap up

Don’t try to impress anyone on your first date. Crack jokes, avoid arguments of any kind, and don’t cross your legs. 

Feel free to present your usual self while she makes the final decision. Meanwhile, you should read this article on the do’s and don’ts of dating for more tips. 

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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