Have you ever felt like you just can’t seem to get ahead financially, no matter how hard you try?
Do worries about money keep you up at night? If so, you may be experiencing money blocks.
What Are Money Blocks?
Money blocks are unconscious beliefs, fears, and limiting thoughts that prevent you from earning, saving, investing, and managing money effectively.
We often pick up money blocks in childhood from parents, society, and early experiences with money.
These blocks lurk beneath the surface, unconsciously shaping your financial attitudes and behaviors.
For example, you may have a money block around “money is evil” if you were taught that wealthy people tend to be greedy.
Or if your family struggled financially, you may have a scarcity mindset and hoard money due to a fear of never having enough.
10 Common Money Blocks
Fear of Success
You may subconsciously self-sabotage when money starts flowing because you feel undeserving or fear change.
Financial success means facing new challenges and responsibilities you may feel unprepared for. Or it could threaten your status quo and require an identity shift.
Fear of fame, visibility or envy from others can also hold you back.
Scarcity Mentality
You operate from a money mindset of lack. You believe there’s not enough to go around so you must scrape and struggle just to survive.
This creates anxiety, greed, and the tendency to hoard money when you do get it. A scarcity mindset views life through a lens of poverty, lack, and not-enough-ness.
Fear of Loss
You cling tightly to money because of anxiety about it running out or losing it somehow. This creates stagnation and an inability to take financial risks like investing.
Every act of spending evokes deep feelings of insecurity and loss aversion. You compulsively save beyond necessity due to dread of potential lack.
Money Avoidance
You avoid budgeting, planning, investing, tracking expenses, and taking control of finances due to discomfort, shame, or feelings of unworthiness around money.
You may suppress desires for success or abundance because you don’t believe you can handle them. Procrastination around money decisions is common.
Money Worship
You tie self-worth and status to net worth. Your desire for wealth stems from ego, greed, and trying to keep up with others, rather than positive intentions.
Money becomes an addiction, center of life, or source of security rather than a tool. This creates misuse of finances and constant needs for more.
Lack of Financial Self-Efficacy
You feel incapable of earning, budgeting, saving, or manifesting money due to learned helplessness.
You may have internalized messages like “I’m bad with money” or “I can’t make enough” from critical parents, failures, or financial trauma.
This undermines confidence in taking control of finances and creating prosperity.
Money Martyrdom
You view sacrifice and self-denial as virtuous while spending on needs and desires causes guilt and shame.
You prioritize others’ financial interests over your own and have trouble receiving.
This manifests as underspending, limiting income and undercharging despite the ability to earn more.
Fear of Rejection
Asking for money or negotiating salary, rates or raises evokes deep fear of rejection, criticism or being perceived as greedy or needy.
You avoid advocating for your financial worth to avoid discomfort. Undercharging and financial struggles often result.
Imposter Syndrome
Feeling like an inadequate fraud undermines financial confidence and earning potential.
You question if you have enough skill or value to merit abundance, or worry success is due to luck rather than worthiness.
This manifests as playing small financially and sabotaging when money flows.
Analysis Paralysis
You obsessively research investments, assets and opportunities without ever taking action.
Paralysis stems from discomfort making money decisions, fear of making mistakes, perfectionism or believing you lack the knowledge to choose wisely. This results in missed growth.
As you can see, money blocks come in many forms and flavors. Take time to notice which you relate to based on your own financial patterns and struggles.
Even just becoming aware of how money blocks operate provides relief and clarity.
Signs You May Have Money Blocks
Wondering if you might have some unconscious money blocks? Here are some common signs:
You chronically struggle to comfortably earn and save money. Bills pile up, debt accrues and financial freedom feels elusive.
You frequently sabotage your financial goals by overspending, under-earning, avoiding investments, or self-sabotaging when money arrives.
You feel anxious, panicky, ashamed, or avoidant when faced with financial decisions like budgeting, taxes, negotiating salaries, or asking for a raise.
You feel undeserving of financial abundance and uncomfortable when money flows to you easily. Praise for your financial success elicits guilt.
You often say self-limiting statements like “Money doesn’t grow on trees” “I’ll never be rich” or “Saving money is pointless.”
Money seems to control your moods and decisions rather than you feeling empowered and in charge of your finances.
Your income and net worth stay stagnant year after year despite your efforts and desire to earn more.
You compulsively overspend and undersave or conversely, underspend on basic needs and pleasures due to deprivation mindsets.
You avoid budgeting, planning, investment research, expense tracking, and taking control of your financial life. You ‘ostrich’ from money tasks.
You feel helpless, hopeless, and resigned about money rather than capable and empowered. Pessimism prevails.
You were raised to believe that comfort with money is wrong, rich people are evil, or desiring wealth is greedy.
You harbor resistance and rebelliousness toward financial planning activities like budgeting, investing, or filing taxes. You dread money tasks.
You allow others to financially exploit or take advantage of you without setting boundaries because avoiding confrontation feels safer than advocating for your worth.
You bail others out financially even when it undermines your own stability because you feel too awkward to say no.
You habitually compare your financial status to others as a way to put yourself down and feel undeserving of doing better.
If one or more of these patterns resonate for you, dig deeper! You likely have some money blocks worth addressing.
Don’t despair, this level of self-awareness puts you ahead of the game in overcoming them…

How Money Blocks Can Negatively Impact Your Finances
Money blocks can really do a number on your finances. Let’s walk through some of the ways these sneaky limiting beliefs undermine your financial life.
For starters, money blocks often hold you back from earning your true potential.
You may shy away from negotiating a salary increase because fear of rejection has you avoiding confrontation.
Or imposter syndrome might have you convinced you don’t deserve a higher income, so you downplay your skills and accept less.
Money blocks also lead to chronically undercharging for products and services. Let’s say you’re a fitness coach.
You know you work just as hard as that other coach who charges double, but you accept lower rates because you feel unworthy.
Here’s another impact: money blocks breed financial irresponsibility. You avoid budgeting or tracking expenses because money feels overwhelming.
So credit card debt accrues, late fees pile up, and financial chaos reigns. Or scarcity mentality has you so panicked about having enough, you cling fiercely to any money that comes in. Investing it feels too risky.
But then inflation eats away at your cash savings over the years. You get so paralyzed trying to make perfect financial choices that you end up missing out on growth due to analysis paralysis.
See how limiting beliefs about money can sabotage your goals? But don’t beat yourself up. With awareness comes the power to change.
How To Overcome Money Blocks
Ready to break through money blocks and create abundant prosperity? Here are some proven techniques:
1. Identify Your Money Blocks
Start by getting clear on the specific money blocks impacting you. Reflect on your financial journey and notice any struggles, fears, and patterns.
Which of the common money blocks described above do you relate to? How have they negatively impacted your financial life? Name each block and shift from unconscious to conscious awareness.
For example, perhaps your biggest money block is scarcity mentality. Trace this back to growing up poor and internalizing the belief that you’ll never have enough.
Notice how this translates into financial anxiety and hoarding. Simply acknowledging this money block brings relief and power.
2. Understand the Roots
Next, explore the roots of your money blocks. Were they passed down from parents through behaviors you modeled?
Did you learn them from society or experiences? Or do they arise from financial traumas or past life experiences?
Understanding the source provides insight into why you have this block, making it easier to heal and dissolve.
Maybe your money avoidance stems from a parent who avoided budgeting and investing due to lack of knowledge.
Or your fear of success traces back to almost going bankrupt when your business unexpectedly boomed. Pinpointing origins builds self-compassion.
3. Release Limiting Beliefs
Examine and challenge any limiting beliefs creating money blocks.
For example, if you believe “money corrupts,” see if that’s really true by looking at positive examples of financial prosperity improving lives.
Release scarcity mindsets using affirmations like “there’s enough for everyone.”
Ask yourself, “Is this absolute truth or just my perception?” “How has this belief hindered me?” “What would be possible without this belief?” Let go of outdated, negative money beliefs keeping you stuck. They no longer serve you.
4. Practice Self-Compassion
Many money blocks stem from shame or undeservedness. Nurture self-love and self-worth as an antidote. You are worthy, capable, and deserving of abundant prosperity!
Catch and challenge critical inner voices fueling money blocks.
Respond to failures with self-kindness rather than criticism. And celebrate even small wins. You inherited these blocks through no fault of your own so have compassion for yourself as you heal them.
5. Visualize and Affirm Prosperity
Use guided meditations, vision boards, and affirmative statements to reprogram your subconscious mind to attract prosperity.
Imagine money flowing to you joyfully and easily while affirming “I prosper freely and abundantly.”
Make your images and affirmations specific to your goals like “I earn $5000 a month” or “My business is thriving.” Repeat daily and let the reconditioning process work naturally over time.
6. Take Small Financial Action Steps
Build financial self-efficacy through small money actions like tracking expenses, researching investments, or asking for a raise.
Each step creates momentum while proving you can handle finances. Action creates confidence.
Start with small, doable steps slightly outside your comfort zone, like saving $20 a week or researching index funds.
Small successes build the confidence needed for bigger challenges like negotiating debts or launching a business.
7. Seek Support on Your Journey
Don’t go it alone. The right money mentor or financial coach can help you uncover, understand, and overcome stubborn money blocks.
Join a prosperity group to find community, accountability and encouragement.
Let others reassure and guide you through challenges like investing, debt pay-offs, salary negotiations, or confronting financial toxicity in relationships. With support, even big changes feel doable.
8. Be Patient with Your Progress
Change won’t happen overnight after a lifetime of money blocks and financial struggle. Have compassion for yourself on this journey of liberation.
Notice progress and celebrate small money wins through journaling or sharing with a friend. Give it time.
Remind yourself financial freedom is a process, not a destination. Even small steps forward bring you closer to your goals of abundance and joyful prosperity. You’ve got this!
Conquering Money Blocks Leads to Financial Freedom
What freedom could you create by overcoming money blocks and limiting beliefs? Maybe you finally pursue that entrepreneurial dream. Or invest in real estate. Or double your income. Or retire early and travel the world.
Financial abundance allows you to live your purpose, support loved ones, and make a difference. But missing out on that hurts everyone. As Marianne Williamson says, “Your playing small does not serve the world.”